woman on beach at sunset
Hayley Carmichael
Communications Manager
2 minute read

Let's get happy

International Week of Happiness at Work took place between Monday 25th September to Friday 29th September. Launched in 2017, happiness has spread ever since. Starting out as a Dutch initiative, the annual celebration has reached countries worldwide, including the UK and we're delighted to get behind it in Sussex too.

Happiness at work – the norm not the exception

The Happiness at Work manifesto believes happiness pays off, it makes employees more productive, more creative, more innovative, and less likely to burn out.

It is important to take care of your health and wellbeing, especially within the workplace; this is something that our Green Plans actively support.


woman drinking coffee in front of a tree


How to get involved

Want to make a difference and spread the word? Sign the manifesto here.

Top tips for a happier workplace

1. Create healthier relationships with colleagues:

Communication is key at work; talking things through can help avoid confusion and upset. Showing empathy and respect for each other helps create a more positive work environment for everyone.

Little acts of kindness like making a team round of cuppa's can go a long way.

2. Get to know each other better

Work can be so busy that sometimes we forget people can bring things to the team other than what they do; make time for chats to learn more about who you work with, and they can learn more about you too.

Team get togethers are a great way to get to know each other better, from bake off's to monthly pot luck lunches there are loads of ways to make work that bit more social.

3. Health and wellbeing matter

Getting out in nature at work is a real winner, whether it is with a friend or alone, find your nearest green space and breathe in that fresh air during your lunch break or when you are needing a quick breather.

Check with your HR team if there are wellbeing spaces where you are based, designed to help staff relax and unwind during the working day.

4. Time off is so vital

If you can, spread your annual leave out over the year so you always have something to look forward to. Studies suggest that lots of mini holidays can be more restful than one big one.

Spread happiness in the workplace!


a group of people walking through the woods